Saturday, January 31, 2009


Wow. If I were back in the Greek times of Homer, I would say that Folly has just left me and the Prayers have come around. I don't know why I act so stupidly sometimes! My até just seems to continually come around and around. Yeah, I've been reading the Iliad lately. So I talked to army Andy today, and other Andy, too. I have decided that I should just stay away from all Andys. Well, I'm stupid, but not really. Whenever I really stand up for myself and say what I'm actually feeling, I consider myself stupid. How ridiculous and hypocritical is that? In all seriousness, though. Sometimes I just wish I were someone else. I mean, right now I'm just laying in self-pity. Isn't that ridiculous? However, I suppose that's bound to happen when you don't like your own personality. Yeah, anyway, I don't know what I want in my life. But I have to get up in less that 5 hours, which really sucks. Why do I have such a good visiting teaching companion? Why are my roomies so dang fun? I may never know the answers to these questions. Anyway though, what I really wanted to get out, is that I'm stupid when I'm tired. Well, even more so than when I'm awake, anyway. Yeah, I'll give a real update later. I miss Steve.

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